Regulated electronic administration services and management information system, working time records (SZEÜSZ EIK)
Beneficiary: Lechner Non-profit Ltd. (via its predecessor, the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI))
Consortium members: non-applicable
Project title: Regulated electronic administration services and management information system, working time records
Project identification number: EKOP-1.2.13-2011 [EAOP-1.2.13-2011]
Overall contract value: 102 033 200 HUF
Percentage of EU contribution: 100%
Project duration: 03/12/2012-30/05/2014
Short description of project:
As a result of the project, the average duration of internal administration processes was shortened and the managers had the opportunity to plan and implement electronically, quickly and efficiently.
At the time of the call for proposals, the beneficiary did not have an electronic records management system that was mandatory for public bodies. IT-based support for internal administration processes was slight and administration was predominantly paper-based. In addition, the electronic support of a management information system was still unresolved.
The aim of the project was to meet the expectations of the new legal environment, to improve the efficiency of administration, to support the management decision-making processes, and to plan and register working hours. Through modern IT solutions, a smoother and more efficient administration became possible, and the speed of services provided to customers improved dramatically. The project resulted in a partially or completely paperless electronic administration.
The electronic case management and document management application and management information system, the electronic signature service, and the complex time and attendance systems were all state-of-the-art IT solutions, essential tools for achieving the above goals.