Creating a geoportal to furnish spatial land data services
Beneficiary: Lechner Non-profit Ltd.
Consortium members: non-applicable
Project title: Creating a geoportal to furnish spatial land data services
Project identification number: KMOP-3.3.4/C-2008-0010
Overall contract value: 101 591 836 Ft
Percentage of EU contribution: 95%
Project duration: 15/07/2009-11/12/2010
Short description of project:
The geoportal of the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing ( was launched in 2010, after the project had successfully been implemented within the Central Hungarian Operational Programme. meets the structural and content requirements for data services as indicated in Directive No. 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE) on the implementation of spatial data infrastructure. FÖMI (later: Lechner Non-profit Ltd.) operates this service through an online webshop, providing access to available spatial data for public administration, economic operators, and also for the wide public in theform of a round-the-clock (0-24h) online service.
The geoportal was further developed within the framework of the PASOP-1.0.0-CCHOP-15-2016-00023 project in the following programming period, resulting in a faster and simpler process of submitting orders.